Henrik Byrgiel

Senior Consultant at Sentire

"If a given challange is not recognized, there will be no change for the better."

Bases on my military background as an officer in the Danish army, I have supplied development training and guidance on a strategic, tactical as well as operational level to leaders in Denmark, Europe, USA and China over the past 34 years.

My thesis is individual management development, general management and change management.

I am also an experienced facilitator in the field of conflict management, negotiation techniques, effective communication, sales training and personal development. Workshops, sessions and training take place in English or Danish.

I am known for my direct approach, but also as an energetic, enthusiastic and provocative person, who has the ability to challenge. On the other hand, I am good at listening, analyze a given problem and suggest constructive solutions.

I have the ability to cut to the core of the problem and to generate a sense of recognition in others which in turn facilitates professional as well as personal growth.

The approach to challenges and development are structure and focus on necessary efforts to achieve the goal – nothing is left to chance, faith, hope or luck!

In addition, I am characterized by:

  • Being a strong communicator. Being able to put myself in your place I understand your every lives and are there by I am able to sell ideas to manager and employees at all levels of an organization.
  • I dare to challenge. A qualified fellow and counter-opponent requires courage, commitment and will – which I have. I dare to challenge ideas and decisions – no matter who brings them on. Asking questions is important to me – simply to understand what lies behind the idea and the decision. It is important to figure out whether we are acting on facts or just emotions, assumptions or wrong attitudes.
  • Being concrete. I am able to pinpoint the specific behavior needed to reach a goal or solve a problem. Through dialogue and understanding of the typology of the recipient combined with small situational games, the recipient is dressed to challenge own boundaries and habit patterns and make a difference.

Henrik Byrgiel

Senior Consultant at Sentire

M: henrik.byrgiel@sentire.dk
M: +45 5123 4751

Sentire I/S
Achieve through recognition
Rudboelvej 37
2650 Hvidovre
CVR: 363 220 71


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